Whitefield Academy A Christ-Centered College Preparatory School

Planned Giving

Legacy Society

The Whitefield Academy Legacy Society has been created to honor families who have included Whitefield Academy in their wills or through other estate plans.

These planned gifts are used to create a permanent endowment to be used to benefit future generations of families at Whitefield.
There are many other planned giving options available that allow an individual to benefit from current income, capital gains, and estate tax laws. These charitable choices can benefit you, your family, and ministries like Whitefield Academy, leaving a legacy for generations to come. These gifts can be done through a will, your IRA, and through a number of special charitable trusts. Whitefield offers professional resources to friends and families of the school to help guide you through these charitable options.

Suggested wording to use in your will to benefit Whitefield Academy:

“I bequeath [______ dollars / or _____ percent] of my estate to Whitefield Academy, a Georgia non-profit corporation located in Mableton, GA. Tax ID#58-1224983."

To learn more, contact Paige Perdue at [email protected].

View Your Other Charitable Options

Please consider joining the Whitefield Academy Legacy Society.
If you have included Whitefield in your estate planning, please let us know. Your membership demonstrates your commitment to the mission of Whitefield Academy - a mission to raise men and women who will go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self, and for the living and active Jesus.