Christian life for parents of Whitefield Academy.
Pack Parenting | Parent Prayer Groups | Men's Fraternity | Mondays with Moms | Axis | RightNow Media
PACK Parenting
P.A.C.K. Parenting (Parents Attaining Community and Knowledge) is a program that offers Whitefield parents an opportunity to gather together in parenting sessions that are led by subject matter experts as well as small group settings where we can learn from each other and build bonds in the community while discussing parenting strategies.
With this charge in mind, P.A.C.K. Parenting will offer various opportunities for you to connect with parents in all grades. Our Evenings of Fellowship dinners, Parent to Parent small group studies and discussions, and Speaker Series will allow you to participate in sessions alongside parents in all grades, learning from experts and parents just like you.
P.A.C.K. Parenting is a resource offered in alignment with our mission:
To bolster Christian families in rearing young people who go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self, and for the living and active Jesus.
Our prayer is that you will feel more equipped to help your children navigate through these critical years in their education. We consider it a privilege to share this parenting journey with you.
TWO OR MORE (Parent Prayer)
Whitefield Academy's parent prayer group, Two or More, is excited to launch a new prayer agenda for the 2024-2025 school year.
Parent prayer kicks off Tuesday, September 9 at 8 a.m.
Whitefield parents join together in prayer every Tuesday morning in one of the following ways:
Grade Level Prayer: Grade level prayer is an opportunity to gather and pray with parents from your students' grade. We use Leading From Your Knees At School by Camilla Williams as our prayer guide.
Division Prayer: Division prayer is when we gather with other parents from your child’s school division (LS, MS, and US) to pray over the events and needs of that division as well as the developmental and parenting stages that are unique to that phase of life. We also pray by name over a group of faculty from that division each month.
All Parent Prayer: All parent prayer is when we gather with parents from our whole community using the ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication) model of prayer. This is an opportunity to pray together at a slower pace and with a mindset of meditative listening and being led by the Holy Spirit’s presence. Each month we will pray over the events, the staff, the students, the families, and our Whitefield community as a whole. We will also pray by name over a group of staff each month.
Parent Prayer Points
- Board of Trustees, and Leadership Team that they will have godly wisdom and discernment in all decisions and appointments and that they will continually pursue God’s direction.
- Kevin Bracher for wisdom, integrity, patience, and the physical and mental energy equal to his tasks.
- Encouragement for our teachers, parents and students and to move away everything that distracts from God and from everything that divides and discourages.
- For clarity in direction and for protection as we navigate with Covid.
- Business Office Michelle Hines and her team as they manage the many aspects and complexities of the business office.
- The Facilities and Maintenance Team who maintains our grounds and facilities.
- WPA Leadership Mary Soud and the WPA volunteers - that God will bring many hands to make light work, and that He will bless the work of the WPA.
- God brings great, mission-fit families to Whitefield
- Bandwidth and energy for the week before we go on Spring Break
- Safety for the community over Spring Break
ADMINISTRATION Building 400, 500, 900
- Development team and the support and celebration of our school.
- Admissions team as they prepare for admissions season and pray that God will bring the families of His choice to Whitefield.
- Communications team as they market Whitefield, support school programming, and share the mission of the school. May all of these teams have wisdom on strategic planning for the future of the school. Remaining mission-minded while we:
- Communicate the future capital projects of the school
- Tell the story of Whitefield to current prospective families
- God will bless us with the ability to reach Christian families and tell the story of Whitefield to bring them to the school
- God will help us welcome new families who have just started at Whitefield
- Pray that we can be used by God to proclaim Jesus to our current families through our communications office and the “outside world” through admission.
- Pray that our alumni are rooted in the mission of Whitefield as they go onto college and life after they graduate, and the evidence of their Christ-centered foundation is seen throughout their life.
- That our athletes continue to grow closer in their walk with Christ through the experiences of their seasons.
- Pray that our coaches are intentional with the opportunities they have with the kids in making them young disciples for Him and don’t get caught up in the “X’s and O’s” of performance only.
- Pray for protection both physically and spiritually for our students.
- Pray that we can be a light for Him to the teams, officials and visiting parents that we play on a daily basis.
- Pray that our students grow in maturity as the Word promises that trial helps us build perseverance and character so that we are mature and complete and more like him.
- Pray that our students develop perseverance and are able to stay focused on God’s best for them despite ever present distractions that exist.
- Strength and perseverance to end the school year in a way that glorifies the Lord
- I pray that our students would understand the impact their words and actions have—positive and negative—on those around them.
- I pray students consider the inputs in their lives—music, TV, movies, social media, books, friends, etc.—and reflect on whether or not these sources are edifying or not.
- I pray over Upper School admissions—may mission-fit families and students be drawn to our Christ-centered community.
- I pray over hiring—Lord, please bring faculty and staff with passion, depth, and experience to fill our open positions.
- Pray for the upcoming Middle School conferences, and that everyone would be focused on student growth.
- Hiring - pray for transformational teachers who will minister to our children and lead them up in the ways of the Lord
- Transitions - pray for the hearts of our students and families as we prepare to enter the time of transitions - where we are still finishing the current school year, but also already thinking ahead (particularly our 4th graders moving to 5th grade in MS and our 8th graders moving to 9th grade in US); pray for them to be excited about the next step of their journey and to place all anxieties on the Lord.
- Upcoming events - pray for the upcoming celebratory and bonding events to bring these grade levels closer to the Lord (5th/6th Game Night; 7th and 8th grade dances; 8th Grade Windy Gap retreat in April; Field Day; Awards Ceremony; 8th Grade Commissioning)
- Our World - pray for our world and our country in light of the Ukraine-Russian conflict; pray for peace; pray for our students as they process war and violence and fighting; pray for those in positions of power to seek Godly wisdom and turn from evil ways.
- Pray for grateful hearts in our children – that this month with Thanksgiving prompts families, children, and faculty to consider the blessings around and within them.
- Prayer for safety in travel at Thanksgiving.
- Admissions decisions and prospective families’ call to Whitefield
- Safety and refreshment over Spring Break for families and faculty/staff
- Qualified and mission fit applicants for openings
- Gratitude for God’s rich blessings at this school
Men's Fraternity
Calling All Whitefield Dads. This year will be like no other for Men’s Fraternity. Whitefield’s own Bible faculty will be leading the Whitefield Dads through a live series on the parables. These same teachers that will pour into your children will facilitate. Dads, don’t miss out. We need each other. We need to be in fellowship. This is our chance.
- When: every Friday morning during the school year
- Time: 6-7:30 a.m.
- Where: WolfPack Den (Big Gym - overlooking the football field – don’t park in numbered parking spots)
Questions? Email Mike Shaheen for more information.
Mondays with Mom
We know most of us moms do not have a moment to spare, but we invite you to start your week with a brief time of worship, study, and prayer. We seek to deepen our relationship with Jesus and with each other. This will be an open study for all moms no matter where they are on their faith journey. We are looking forward to the fellowship and faith building opportunity these moments on Monday mornings will provide.
- When: every Monday morning
- Time: 8 a.m.
- Where: Christian Life Cottage
Questions? Email Allison Duncanson for more information.
We are excited to share and equip our parents with this gifted resource and tool that includes conversation guides and cultural translators to develop more opportunities of discussion with our students around challenging topics. Axis is used in discipleship and character development with both student programming like Stoneworks and parent events like Men’s Fraternity or Parent to Parent.
RightNow Media
All Whitefield families have free access to the Right Now Media library, which features Bible studies from prominent Christian leaders on hundreds of different topics, as well as studies that walk through books of the Bible. Right Now Media is used by faculty in our classrooms, as well as with parent groups, like Mondays with Moms.