Whitefield Academy A Christ-Centered College Preparatory School

Technology and Innovation


At Whitefield Academy, technology is used as a tool to enhance student learning by increasing engagement, efficiency, and differentiation. We believe that cultivating digital stewardship through a biblical lens prepares our students to exercise Godly wisdom in college and career. Through iPads, Google Chromebooks, and our Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) program, students are introduced to and trained in technology usage in developmentally and academically appropriate ways.

PreK - Grade 4

Guided by teacher instruction, Lower School students use school-provided iPads and/or Google Chromebooks while at school to research, practice, collaborate, and share. Lower School students are not required to bring their own device. All Lower School parents may access their child’s Google Classroom, a Google app designed to streamline assignments, boost collaboration, and foster communication. Beginning in grade two, students begin accessing Google Classroom themselves.

Grades 5 and 6

Whitefield uses  grades five and six to introduce and scaffold use of Schoology, our learning management system, to prepare students to use this digital tool as the communication vehicle between student, teacher, and parent as it is used in grades seven through 12. Students in grades five and six take a rotational course on digital stewardship which helps refine basic technology skills and learn about the advantages and potential dangers of technology.

Students in grades five and six are not required to bring their own laptop. Instead, they use school-provided Google Chromebooks while on campus. As they near the grades seven through 12 BYOL program, families of students in grades five and six may begin thinking about what laptop would best suit their child’s and family’s needs.

Grades  7 - 12

Students in grades seven through 12 use Schoology to access course materials, submit assignments, view grades and correspond with teachers, and Schoology login credentials for students and parents will be included in a midsummer email.

Students in grade seven are not required to bring their own laptop. Students in grades eight through 12 are required to bring their own laptop as part of our BYOL program. Should your child use a Mac or a PC? To a large degree, this preference depends upon who you ask and your child’s interest. Each one has strengths and weaknesses. Practically speaking, however, either one can serve the purposes for which technology will be used on campus.


For any technology questions, please contact Josh Blunier at 678-305-2910 or [email protected].

Bring Your Own Laptop Program

Whitefield Academy students in grades 7 through 12 are required to bring their own laptops to school. In an increasingly digital age, it is vital to teach students appropriate, effective, and safe usage of technology. Minimum specifications for both Mac and PC laptops can be found below.

Mac Specifications

  • Operating System: Latest OS X
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 (M1 chip is fine)
  • Memory: 8GB RAM (minimum of 8GB)
  • Hard Disk: 128GB Hard Drive (minimum standard is usually 256GB)
  • Networking: Dual-Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz (Apple standard now included Wi-Fi 6)
  • Software: word-processing platform (Microsoft Office or Google Suite for Education)

PC Specifications

  • Operating System: Windows 10 (or later)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 (should be minimum of i5 now)
  • Memory: 8GB RAM  (minimum of 8GB)
  • Hard Disk: 128GB Hard Drive (minimum standard is usually 256GB)
  • Networking: Dual-Band 2.4GHz and 5GHz (most computers now include Wi-Fi 6)
  • Software: word-processing platform (Microsoft Office or Google Suite for Education)

Hardware and Software Applications

While PreK through second grade utilize tools such as Smart Boards, iPads, LCD projectors, etc. – to enhance particular segments of learning – the children in this age group are primarily encouraged to develop habits of reading books, working creatively on projects, and engaging their peers in games or recreation.

Teachers in the third through sixth grades have access to both a mobile computer lab of chrome books and a fully equipped computer lab. Throughout the school, teachers use interactive whiteboards (SmartBoards and Promethean) for in-class instruction. The library also incorporates appropriate technology for research and student use.

Whitefield has adopted Schoology as its learning management system to allow both students and parents access to course resources and to provide communication between students, faculty, and parents in a safe online environment. In addition, the Parent Portal portion of the website facilitates communication of information from the school to families and provides online parent resources.

Curricular and Extracurricular Opportunities

Young students are introduced formally to technology through a computer class in the third and fourth grades. During fifth and sixth grades, technology is incorporated into classroom learning through use of the mobile Chrome Book cart as well as more directly through a sixth grade computer rotation course.

Seventh through twelfth grades participate in the BYOL program with integration of technology throughout the curriculum. Upper School course offerings include computer science, AP computer science, theater tech, innovation class, and graphic design. A robotics club meets on Wednesday mornings.


In the Innovation Lab, students have access to:

  • Creative software for brainstorming
  • Adobe Creative Suite for design
  • Collaborative whiteboard spaces for cooperative idea generation
  • Audio/Visual equipment
  • Electronics cabinet
  • Safety equipment
  • Two 3D printers
  • A 50W laser-cutter
  • A sewing machine
  • An embroidery machine
  • Woodworking tools for building and prototyping
  • A 4’x4’ CNC router

Not only do students learn and practice specific skills in the Innovation Lab, but they also have the opportunity to exercise character-building attributes such as persistence, adaptability, and cooperation, equipping them for the challenges and rigors of future careers.

While the Innovation Lab is utilized during school hours by regular academic classes, Whitefield also offers Mini-Skills Courses after school. Students can register for these courses to learn specific skills, such as woodworking, sewing, and much more. Check back soon for more information on upcoming Mini-Skills Courses.

Meet the Technology Team